" But
when it pleased God,
who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace, To reveal his Son in me,.. " The word; "abortion" means "To have a miscarriage". Abortion therefore means the spontaneous rejection of the unborn infant by the mother. The infant is no longer viable in the womb, something has gone wrong. In contrast the word 'abortion' (i use single inverted commas to make the distinction) means to schedule the death of the unborn infant. It is premeditated murder. 'Abortion' is the modern day version of a tradition that is centuries old: human sacrifice. Today babies are sacrificed for many
different reasons. One of the excuses that is most
often used is, 'We cannot afford to have the
child'. There is no point in arguing whether
the parents 'can afford' to have the child, they
already have the child. If the parents believe
that they will not be able to provide for the child,
then they can make the child available for adoption. To sacrifice a human being is an
abomination. The question is: Why has 'abortion'
become a legal issue? 'Abortion' is a legal
issue because the unborn baby is not yet registered
with the state. This means that the state has no
jurisdiction(ownership) in matters pertaining to the
unborn infant. The dilemma is resolved by reverting
back to the jurisdiction that the state has over the
mother. The mother is 'granted the right'
to have control over her 'own' body. The 'right' to
an 'abortion', therefore transfers
the 'right' to sacrifice a human life, from the state,
to the mother. The reason that the word "
right " is put in single inverted commas, is
because in this context it means: 'that
which has been granted by the state'. By 'granting' the mother the 'right' to
have control over her 'own' body, the state is in
effect sanctioning human sacrifice.The body
of the sacrificed child is usually disposed of by
the 'doctor', who plays the role of
the high priest. In legal terms the state is
oblivious that a human being has been sacrificed. No
birth certificate is issued, neither is there a
death certificate.
Life begins when the male and female cells
are united, when the two become one.
According to this world, 'life' begins when the
infant is separated from the mother.
Remember that no matter what, our Father is a
forgiving Father, it is never to late to repent. |