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Capital Punishment

" Ye are of 'your' father the devil,
 and the lusts of  your  father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning,
and abode not in the truth,
 because there is no truth in him."

Capital punishment is when the state terminates the life of an individual who has been found guilty of  breaking a law. The 'penalty' for breaking the law is to remove the individual from society. The state is applying a principle that it promotes through it's educational system. The principle is the idea that two wrongs make a right. That a minus times a minus, is a plus. The idea that retribution is in the hands of the state, that the state is the supreme authority over human life.

Believers know that 'capital punishment' is wrong. It is wrong because a criminal act is not a cause, it is a symptom. A person does not become a murderer when he kills somebody, the act of killing another person is an expression of the nature of fallen man. Natural man is a murderer. Murder is a symptom of a corrupted mindset.

Capital punishment is natural man's way of saying: 'I do not accept the message according to the gospel'. Natural man believes that a person's behavior, determines what a person is. In reality, what a person is, determines his behavior. Natural man believes that a person can 'choose' between what is right, and what is wrong. Natural man is evil, he does not 'choose' to be evil, his behavior is irrational by default.

Natural man will argue that because a person has a 'choice' between what is right, and what is wrong, a person should be punished for making the 'wrong' decision. This is natural man's excuse for committing atrocities. How often have you heard natural man say:  ' He deserves to die '.

Natural man does not, and cannot know, that he has blood on his hands. He does not know that he has lost his morality, that he is corrupted. His only hope is to accept in faith that he is guilty, to repent, and then to ask for forgiveness so that his humanity can be restored.