Believers Information Network

  The Delusion   

" And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion,
 that they should believe a lie:
That they all might be damned who believe not the truth,
but had pleasure in unrighteousness ".


When we examine the message according to the Gospel we find that the main theme of the message is that it is possible for man to change from natural man, to spiritual man, from a sinful (deluded) person, to a righteous (rational) person. In order to make the transition it is necessary for natural man to confess that he is guilty of crucifying (rejecting) the son of Man (Truth). The confession needs to be made in faith, once the confession is made, natural man will repent and become a new (spiritual) person. Spiritual man is free from the delusion that haunts natural man.

It is important to know that the distinction between natural man and spiritual man is not obvious, although natural man is a totally different kind of person than spiritual man, the difference is not visible to the eye. The reason for this is that natural man is extremely deceitful and corrupt, he is able to hide his true nature in a remarkable way. For this reason natural man and spiritual man are involved in social interaction.

This essay is written for the specific purpose of helping those believers who are not familiar with the message according to the Gospel, as well as those believers who have struggled to digest all the nonsense that is proclaimed by those who say that they are Christians, but are not.

The vast majority of people on earth are natural persons, they are deluded, and that is why the world is presently in such a mess. The delusion under which this world is suffering is now being removed, the day has dawned.


To be deluded means to be out of touch with reality, it means to live one's life in a fantasy world, a world that does not exist in reality, a world that only exists in the mind of those who are deluded. A deluded person perceives a world that is not real, however in his mind it is perceived as being 'real'. If this is not the case, then the word; " deluded " , would be meaningless.

The deluded person cannot perceive reality, and therefore he cannot make the distinction between what is real and what is fantasy. The spiritual person on the other hand is able to make the distinction between what is real, and what is fantasy. Spiritual man can therefore come to the realization that he is holding onto a false belief, and amend his ways. Deluded man is unable to mend his ways because he is not able to see the folly of his false beliefs, he is blind to reality.

Spiritual man can therefore be cleansed, he can be cleansed by his friends who are also spiritual, this is what is meant by the " washing of each others feet " . Natural man cannot be cleansed, before he can be cleansed, he needs to be saved first, cleansing is not possible prior to conversion. Natural man is constantly sinning, he cannot be forgiven for his sins, he can only be forgiven for being a sinner (deluded), should he confess.

Because of the delusion it is important that the believer distinguishes between what is real and what is not real. The delusion brings about a duality that can cause a great deal of confusion if it is not recognized. The 'world' of natural man is not the same as the " world " of spiritual man. In my letter to the believer I make the distinction by placing the words of natural man in single inverted commas.

Should we not make the distinction between reality and the delusion we are in effect saying that the delusion does not exist. When natural man says: 'real', this needs to be translated to: " non real " . When the deluded person says: 'I am a Christian', he is lying, what he is really saying is:  " I am a non Christian " , which is the truth.


The word; " mind " , pertains to the spirit of man, it is a spiritual concept. We cannot see the mind (soul), it is that which is unseen, and yet, it is real, it exists. The mind of spiritual man is an unseen entity, it is part of the Great Spirit which is God our Father. Spiritual man is a child of God, he is one with God; his Creator.

The mind of a new-born baby is pure, it is without blemish, it is one with God its Creator, untouched by the contaminated world of natural man. If it were possible for the new born infant to utter words, the infant would say;   " I am " . The new-born infant is a threat to natural man, this is why natural man has an agenda with the infant, the infant has to be coerced into the 'world' of natural man, he needs to be educated into total corruption. The goal of natural man is to delude the mind of the infant.

Next time you see a new-born baby, look into it's eyes, notice the innocence, there is no reflection, no approval, only purity. Natural man hates purity, he wants the child to be like him, he wants the child to smile, to say; 'daddy', or 'mommy', to give his approval. Natural man will not be satisfied until he is certain that the child's mind is corrupted.

When the child reaches the end of his first year, natural man will put a cake in front of the child. On top of the cake there will be a burning candle, the burning candle symbolizes the new-born baby; the shining light; that which is without guile; that which threatens natural man. At this stage the baby's mind is already subordinated to corruption, the ritual is only performed to make sure the child is lost. When the child blows out the candle, natural man's heart jumps with joy, he has achieved his goal, the child is now a conformist, he is a confirmed sinner, his light is extinguished.



Once the shift has taken place and the child is deluded, all that remains is to reinforce the delusion. The child is now open for manipulation and his mind can now be programmed so that he himself can become a manipulator. The programming of a deluded mind is known as education. The method used to educate the child is known as conditioning. The child is given a task to perform, and if he performs it according to the expectation, he is rewarded, if he performs incorrectly, he is punished. This process is similar to the process used to train circus animals to perform tricks.

Even before the child goes to kindergarten the parents prepare the child for the ways of the world. Should the child resist doing what he is told, he is punished. The deluded mind of the child is motivated by fear, the fear of punishment, suffering drives him to conformity. Should the child refuse to pay attention to all the nonsense that is imposed on him, or should he ask to many questions, he becomes a 'problem' child. He is told that he has a 'sickness', the 'sickness' is called 'attention deficit disorder'. At this stage, the behavior of natural man can only be described as sinister. The child is now forced to conform by administering mind altering drugs to dull his senses.

Should the child go along without offering resistance, he becomes a  part of this corrupt world, and he is rewarded to the degree that he conforms to the social system. He can become a 'doctor' who 'treats' his patients by prescribing drugs, he can become a 'lawyer' who protects the system by 'defending' the indefensible, he can become a 'teacher' who teaches that irrational numbers are 'real' numbers, he can become a 'scientist' who makes hydrogen bombs to 'protect' his country, or he can even become a 'minister' who preaches that if a person gives his heart to 'Jesus', he will be saved. Whatever the individual does that conforms with the present social standards, will be rewarded.


The deluded person is a product of this corrupt world. His mind has been programmed with that which is not true, however, in his own mind he believes that he is not deluded. Unfortunately it is not possible for deluded man to know that he is deluded. Unless he accepts in faith that he is a sinner, he cannot be saved. This is the main reason why the majority of deluded people go through life without being converted.

Here is a list of characteristics that are symptomatic of a deluded mind:

  a) The person proclaims to be a Christian however he conforms to the ways of this world and speaks in defense of his irrational behavior. Such a person will for example regard the act of committing a murder as the cause of making a person a murderer. He will therefore be in favor of taking revenge by killing the person (capital punishment). He does not believe the Bible (Word) which clearly states that every natural person is a murderer.

b) The person will be inconsistent in his beliefs. Such a person will be in favor of capital or corporal punishment, and against 'abortion' (human sacrifice), or, the person will be against capital punishment, and in favor of 'abortion'.

c) The person will say that 'Jesus died for his sins', meaning that the Son of man died on the cross for his 'sins'. In this case the meaning of 'sins', is a vague concept that is never questioned. The person cannot see that he is the one that has crucified the Son of man, and that he has the blood of Jesus is on his hands.The person does not know that he is going to reject the son of Man a second time.

d) The person is very religious and is preoccupied with 'praying' in public places. He is a loyal supporter of the organized church and does not  realize that the organized church is separated from the true church, which is the body of believers from all the different religions that is scattered all over the world.

e) The person cannot see that the 'wisdom' of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God. He believes that education is a positive factor and he does not realize that education is the process of reinforcing irrationality, and that forcing the masses to be 'educated' is the only way to maintain the present chaotic world system.

f) The non believer proclaims to believe in the second coming and a day of judgment, however he does not believe that it will take place during his life. He does not believe that the Son of man is a person of flesh and blood that will be revealed on the day of judgment. He believes that ' Jesus is a ghost that will appear out of the clouds riding a white horse', or, he believes that the message according to the gospel is a myth.

g) The non believer proclaims that unless a person is a 'Christian' he is doomed to condemnation, he does not believe that it is the truth that sets a man free, nor does he accept that when the Son of man is revealed believers from all the different religions will recognize Him and proclaim glory to God.

h) Natural man cannot see that all the knowledge of this present world is a fabrication of a delusional mind, it is a world of pure fantasy. He cannot comprehend that when he gives recognition to non existence, he 'creates' a fantasy world. By making the abstract 'real', natural man fabricates a fantasy world divorced from reality.


Most believers do not give much thought to what it means to be deluded. To be deluded means to be out of touch with reality. The new-born baby is a spiritual person in touch with reality, however soon after birth the infants mind is corrupted by natural man. In order to restore his spirituality the person needs to be born again, the message according to the gospel makes conversion possible, it gives natural man the hope to restore his relationship with his Creator.

The deluded mind creates a 'world' that does not exist in reality, it is a fabrication that only exists in the minds of those who are deluded. This means that in the present world system there exists a duality, that every word uttered by natural man is a lie, and that it is not possible for natural man to know that he is deluded. The only way in which a natural man can restore his spirit is through faith, he needs to accept the message according to the gospel, in faith.