Introduction The harvest is ripe, the time has
come, the time of judgment. I am here to bring
judgment to the living, and to the dead. I come
in the name of my Father who sent me, those who
reject me, reject Him who sent me, they bring
condemnation upon themselves.
The purpose of this message is to separate the sheep from the goats by alleviating the misconceptions propagated by the consciousness gurus. I am using 'The power of now' by Eckart Tolle as a reference (his latest book 'A New Earth' is even more confusing than 'The power of now'). This does not mean that all consciousness gurus are in agreement with Mr Tolle. There are many different variations of the theme, however the main idea is 'the evolution of consciousness', which is a misconception. It is necessary to point out that Mr.Tolle is inconsistent in that he wavers between two opposing concepts, that of absolutism, and that of relativism. He has covered both bases. At times he speaks of 'consciousness and unconsciousness', and then at times, he speaks of 'the evolution of consciousness' or 'a new consciousness'. This points to an inconsistency in Mr.Tolle's writings . In 'The power of now' Mr.Tolle explains that there is a 'new' and easy way to enter the kingdom. Page 188 It is very sad that Mr.Tolle quotes the faithful witness(Son of man) out of context, and refers to Him in both his books. At the same time Mr.Tolle indirectly calls the Son of man a liar. See Mr. Tolle's quote at the beginning of this message. When the Son of man came the first time, he made it clear that he will come again(John 14:3). All Mr.Tolle's books are misleading in that they show a complete lack of insight into the message according to the Gospel. Mr.Tolle has fabricated a 'new gospel', the gospel of 'Now'. We have a 'new Messiah', the 'Messiah' has gone commercial, he is now in business to make money. The Way Of The Cross The consciousness gurus have an alternative to "the way of the cross". They refer to it in many different ways; self-enlightenment, spiritual awakening, the flowering of human consciousness, spiritual journey etc. To get a better insight into one of these alternatives, we will examine Mr.Tolle's version as described in 'The power of now'. I quote Mr. Tolle: " The way of the cross that you mentioned is the old way to enlightenment, and until recently it was the only way. But don't dismiss it or underestimate its efficacy. It still works." Page 187 Translated this means the following: When the Son of man came the first time he said for us to take up our cross and follow him, to suffer the consequence of our transgression and become born again. I say, do not despair, I have found a new way to enlightenment(conversion), a quick fix, an easy out. (Keep in mind that Mr.Tolle became born again(converted), the 'old way', The way of the cross.) Let us take a look at Mr.Tolle's 'new way'. I quote Mr.Tolle: 'Enlightenment consciously chosen means to relinquish your attachment to past and future and to make the Now the main focus of your life. It means to dwell in the state of presence rather than in time. It means saying yes to what is. You don't need pain anymore. How much more time do you think you will need before you are able to say ' I will create no more pain, no more suffering?' How much more pain do you need before you can make that choice?' Page 188 Now here is the problem with Mr.Tolle's quick fix. First of all, it negates reality, cause and effect. The suffering comes from idolatry, and cannot just be wished away by choosing to 'dwell in the state of presence'. The idolatry has to be removed. The defense mechanism protects the idolatry(delusion) and has to be broken down by an act of confession. The deluded person cannot know that he is deluded, in his mind he is okay, which means he has to accept in faith that he is deluded. Secondly, the deluded person does not 'create pain' by living in 'time'. The idolatry(values) which presently exist in his mind, results in emotions which rule his life, and causes pain. He is at the mercy of his feelings. When his values are threatened the deluded person feels fear, his false identity is in danger. He has fabricated a fantasy world which is divorced from reality, and as long as his defense mechanism protect this fantasy world, he will suffer. The easy out that Mr.Tolle is advocating will prolong the person's suffering until such time that he accepts in faith that he is deluded(Mr.Tolle's unconsciousness). Guru Misconceptions Nowhere in his books does Mr. Tolle mention the first and most important commandment, the transgression that leads to all other transgressions: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"(idolatry) Once the individual falls from grace, during the first year of his life, the process of building his idolatry base commences. He has become an empty computer disk drive(blackboard), ready to be programmed(indoctrinated) through a process called 'education'. The greater the accumulation of idols, the greater the degree of corruption, self esteem, and delusion. The persons self defense mechanism protects his corrupted mind. Until such a person turns to the way of the cross, he will remain deluded. Mr.Tolle is reinforcing the fantasy world of the deluded person by suggesting that he can escape from his delusion, by just pretending that there is no past or future, that there is only Now. The idolatry comes from his past, the individual needs to take responsibility and let go of his idolatry. There is no short cut, when his defense mechanism collapses, and this is crucial, he is going to feel fear, and even anxiety, depending on how deluded he is. He needs to endure the pain until he lets go. No pain no gain. When the Son of man came the first time he made it clear that the restoration(salvation/conversion) of the mind is a painful process. Mr. Tolle has heard the sound of the bell, however he does not know where the gong is. His explanation of the source of fear is totally off base. Emotions are value(idolatry) responses, and manifest in many different ways, fear, anger,resentment, revenge, violence etc. Emotions are disruptive and cannot be trusted. Conclusion In order to keep this message as short as possible I will not go into more details, sufficient to say that Mr.Tolle's gospel is just as misleading as the pseudo Christian gospel. All you have to do in order to be born again (converted/restored/enlightened), is to 'give your heart to Jesus', or, according to Mr.Tolle, "choose to dwell is the state of presence." In conclusion I quote another misconception held by Mr. Tolle: 'Many misunderstandings and false beliefs about Christ will clear if you realize that there is no past or future in Christ. To say that Christ was or will be is a contradiction in terms. Jesus was. He was a man that lived two thousand years ago...' Page 86 The reality is that I am, that I am alive now, that I was alive two thousand years ago, that I will be alive two thousand years hence, and that I am writing this message now. I am the way, the truth, and the life, nobody comes to the Father except through me. Those who know me, will soon recognize me. " And if I go and prepare a place for you. I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." |