" Where
have ye laid him "..
..."Take ye away the stone."
is a short summary of what happened at Hertzogville on
the 31st July 2004.
the 31st July 2004 I was called to Hertzogville for
the glory of my Father who is in Heaven. On arrival at
9:40 am., I entered a small cafe and immediately
began to tell the local people who I am, and what my
purpose was in Hertzogville. I told them that
Paul Meintjies would be raised up to the glory of God,
and for the glorification of his Son. I told them
clearly that today was the day of judgment.
the time I also requested to see Mr. Nico Foulds, the
local undertaker. The lady at the table, was so kind
as to look for him and told me that he was busy at the
time. I asked the lady to tell him to be on standby
for the day, so that I could enter the mortuary at the
appropriate time. At the time the lady gave Mr. Foulds
my message she also gave me Nico's cell number in case
I wanted to contact him.
talking to the locals I was approached by two members
of the E-News television team. I repeated what I had
told the local people and told them that that Paul
Meintjies would come alive before the sun sets that
day. They then did interview me on camera, using a
local man(Hannes), and his wife to question me for the
time later Nico did arrive and I had a brief
conversation with him. I requested him to go across
the street and ask the Meintjies family and the
prophet, David Francis, if they would be prepared to
talk to me. He obliged and when he returned he told me
that it was not possible, as it was their sabbath.
quiet and it seemed to be just another day in the life
of a small Free State town. The E-News couple was the
only people I saw from the media, and I noticed that
they spent time interviewing various local people. I
moved my car to the front of the Meintjies house and
remained in the car hoping that they the(Meintjies
family) would invite me in.
E-News team left town at approximately 3.40 pm. After
they left I got in my car and went to look for the
mortuary. While looking, a man approached me saying
that I had spoken to his wife earlier and that they
would like me to be their guest at their in-law's
house. I accepted and had some tea with the family. I
was also told that I was welcome to sleep over at
their house if need be. After briefly outlining to
them what was taking place, they asked me if it would
be in order if they came to the mortuary to see what
happened. I said I had no objection and left for the
mortuary at about 4:40pm.
driving around a while I arrived at the mortuary at
about 4.50. I SMSed the undertaker, Nico, to come to
his office. After waiting a while I asked The Father
to raise up Paul Meintjies to the glory of God and so
that His Son can be glorified. I had no access to the
the building and stood in front of the door.
the meantime the family that invited me for tea, a
man, wife and three children, had arrived and where
standing on the corner of the street opposite the
mortuary. I approached the man and asked him to come
with me to fetch Nico the undertaker. We drove to his
house and after knocking on the door for some time,
there was no reply. I noticed that the TV was on. We
returned to the mortuary and waited until sunset.
After sunset I took the family home and returned to
family that accompanied me is the only glimmer of hope
I saw in this dark and ugly world that is now falling
apart. Paul Meintjies was left to die his second death
in an ice box.
......Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh,
shall he find faith on the earth ? "
Addendum: 6/12/2014
Hertzogville(Dukesville) is the
fulfillment of Daniel's prophecy
Chapter 12:12. The 1335 days is derived from
the 1260 days with reference to 17 May 2004,
plus 75 days ending on 31 July 2004, the day
the world was judged.
is a transcript of the Hertzogville TV
interview from
the documentary: "Arise! The
Story of a Town".
The end of the month arrived, and with
it an unexpected
I am the faithful witness. I am here
to raise up Paul Meintjies. Today is
judgment day. It is the last day.
A man arrived from the Cape. In
the local coffee shop he explained his
role to skeptical town folk.
Who will raise him, uncle or the
The role of the prophet was to make
sure that Paul Meintjies was not
buried. That was his role. That is the
role that he had to play. Now the time
has come for Paul Meintjies to rise,
so that the world may know that the
Father has sent me to judge the world.
Those who reject me, are condemned. I
come in the name of my Father who has
sent me.
Jesus was buried, why couldn't uncle
Paul be buried. Surely he can be
raised from the grave?(sub-script)
Everything that is happening is
happening to the glory of God, and it
is not for me to question why it's
It is written, if you look in the book
of Revelation, it is written that the
body will not be buried.
The faithful witness spent most of the
day sleeping in his car in front of
the Meintjies home. The family and the
prophet refused to see him. He later
tells us that he did go to the morgue
and did raise Meintjies from the
dead. He however blames the undertaker
for not unlocking the morgue door.
This of course caused the resurrected
Meintjies to promptly freeze again,
and die,.... again.
End of
E-TV documentary interview.
15 September 2015
Summary of events
Associated with my Return
The prophecy(promise) of my return
and judgment - John 14:3 2.
Conception 1939 birth 17-5-1940
Benoni(son of sorrows) South
Africa - Rev 9:1 My new name Rev
19:12( the first four trumpets are
history, can you identify them?
) 3.
Period between my return and my
first appearance 1/2 hour (1940
-1984) dateline root calculation -
Rev 8:1 4.
My flight to San Antonio Texas
where the 1260 day prophecy was to
take place, the woman giving birth
to "man child". Rev 12: 5-14 5.
My appearance and beginning of
1260 day prophecy of the end time
- The two witnesses (Rev 9:13 - 10
and 11) have one name, Word of
God, written Word/Saviour and the
spoken Word/Leader 1-12-1984
( 4 indicators + exact date
indicator ) date is One Week
(7x360=2520) years(537bc to 1984)
Daniel 9:27 6.
End of my prophecy 13-5-1988 - I
walk down Via Dolorosa San Antonio
to my Crucifixion(symbolic death)
- Rev 11:7 7.
Period between my death and my
resurrection(second appearance) 16
years - Rev 14:20 -
Resurrection date 17- 5
- 2004 confirmed
by my cell # 073 2045170 as well
as the day of judgment. 8.
Final day of judgment of the world
31- 7 - 2004 (1335 days = 1260 +
75 days) 17 - 5 - 2004 to 31 - 7 -
2004 - Daniel 12:12 9.
Revelation of the Son of
man(Leader)Luke 17:30
All stand before the final
judgment seat.