for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:" " And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another;......" Romans 1:26-27 When man is " born " into this
world he loses his identity, he identifies with an
entity outside of himself, he dies spiritually. This
usually takes place during the first year of his
life. Once the inversion has taken place, the
individual has lost his sense of reality.
His mind is a blank slate ready for programming. Every natural person acquires a sexual orientation. This means that he loses his sense of reality, and acquires a sex perception that is separated from his person. This sexual orientation is not a matter of choice, it is determined by circumstances beyond his control. After the sexual orientation has taken place the individual's self image is either 'male' or 'female', 'heterosexual' or 'homosexual'. If the individual is a male and his orientation is 'male', it does not mean that he is in touch with reality, it only means that his delusional perception is that he is a 'male'. In reality the natural person is not a
individual at all, his person is outside of himself,
his identity has shifted to that which is not real,
he has lost touch with reality. When a male acquires
a female orientation, society regards him as a 'homosexual'.
At one time this was regarded as an abnormal
state of affairs. When a female acquires a male
orientation, she becomes a 'lesbian'. Contrary to the belief that a person is born with a 'sexual orientation', the truth is that a person acquires his sexual orientation, after he is born, at the time when he loses his sense of identity, and becomes a natural person. This means that it is possible for a 'homosexual' to restore his sense of reality, by means of conversion. To say that a person is born with a sexual orientation is a contradiction in terms, the word "orientation" can only be meaningful, if it takes place after the person is born. In the real world there can be no such thing as a 'heterosexual' or a 'homosexual', any individual is what he is, male or female. It is not a matter of choice, you are what you are. If a male should have a female orientation, it can only mean one thing; the person is still deluded. |