The American Indians". . . Make me strong, The ideas that will dominate the future will not be found at Harvard or NASA, go to the concentration camps of the American Indians and you will see the Spirit of God at work amongst the pure at heart. The one factor that has saved the Indian tribes from the corruption of this world, is their lack of education. The white man believed that if he could keep the Indian from learning the ways of this world, he would be able to keep him in 'ignorance', little did he know that he was protecting him from the corruption of this world. This has helped the Indians to preserve their oneness with the Great Spirit. The American Indians are not perfect, far from it, however they have a sense of reality that is completely absent from the minds of those who have endeavored to eliminate them from the face of the earth. They know that the earth is theirs to nurture and that peace of mind comes from within, by living in harmony with nature. The Great Spirit has protected the
Indian tribes to this day, and now the time has
come for the arrogant self righteous pseudo
intellectuals of the North American continent to humble
themselves before the Almighty, and to come to
the realization that it is no longer possible to rape
the earth in the name of 'progress'.
was a kid my parent gave me a Indian outfit on one of
my birthdays. I will always remember the headpiece
with all the colorful feathers, my heart was filled
with joy. Little did I know that one day I would pay
tribute to a people that withstood the abuse of
'civilized' man, and that will usher in the new
heaven and the new earth, with the same joy I
experienced when I opened my birthday present that
* The Native
American Prayer