Believers Information Network

The Jehovah's Witnesses

" Even thus shall it be in the day
when the Son of man is revealed."

One group of people who dedicate their lives to the spreading of the gospel, is the Jehovah's Witnesses. They are not ashamed to proclaim the message in the streets, from door to door. The result of this is that they are often ridiculed, and most people regard them as a 'nuisance'.

Although there are errors in the doctrine of the Jehovah's Witnesses, they are closer to the reality than the vast majority of religious organizations. The movement was started by Charles Russel who conducted a small Bible study group. In 1872 the International Bible Students Association was formed, the Jehovah's Witnesses is an outgrowth of the Association.

Russel was a devout student of the Bible, and based on his study of the book of Daniel, he predicted that the second coming of the Son of man, would take place in 1914. Today the Jehovah's Witnesses still believe that the 'spiritual' second coming took place in 1914, and that it was 'a turning point' in the history of the world.

The error in the prediction that Russel made, was in calculating the date from the time that the Jews were banished from Jerusalem, instead of calculating from the time that the Jews returned to restore the Holy City. This means that Russel miscalculated by seventy years.

The turning point came in 1984 as prophesied in Luke 2 verse 37. The prophetess Anna, was four score and four years of age. This date was the time of the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. The beginning of the "end time" .

The end time was ushered in when the two witnesses, the written Word, and the spoken Word, prophesied that the present world is about to come to an end. The prophesy came to an end in 1988, at which time the world as we know it started to collapse. All that still remains is for the Revelation of the Son of man to take place. The faithful witness(the two witnesses) where resurrected on May 17, 2004, and the world was judged on the 31st July, 2004.  The harvest is now being gathered so that the Son of man can be revealed.

                     ADDENDUM 24/09/2020

Below is the script of a  presentation I was hoping to make at a Jehovah Witness Bible study session, however, I came to the realization that it was not possible for a denomination to change it's doctrine. The doctrine is that which separates the different denominations. That according to the written Word, every person who accepts the Son of man will be excommunicated from the denomination of which he is a member.

  " They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service. " John 16:2

                        My Script

Today I have a very special end time message for all JW Members, it will full your hearts  with joy this 24th  day of the 9th month of 2020.

My name is " Duke " and I am your friend and fellow servant.

Our scripture reading is from Haggai 2 : 20-23. Let us read it:
2:20 And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying, 2:21 Speak. to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; 2:22 And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms,
and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother. 2:23 In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, will I take thee, O Zerubbabel, my servant, the son of Shealtiel, saith the LORD, and will make thee as a signet: for I have chosen thee, saith the LORD of hosts.

We will now examine the 7 trumpets of the book of Revelation.

Turn to Rev 8:7-13
Summary of the first four trumpets which were history at the time that John received the revelation.
Verses 7) the fall of man - 8) the law of Moses - 9) the birth of Christ -12) the death of Christ and the resurrection.
Verse 13 tells us it was history at the time ...(three trumpets...which are yet to sound.)

We will now examine the last three trumpets 5-6-7, and confirm each one with a prophecy from the Psalms. The last three trumpets are  covered in chapters 9-10-11 of the Revelation.

Trumpet 5: The Son of man was born on 17 May 1940, nine months after world war two was declared.
Confirmation in chapter 40: 7 (read)

Trumpet 6:
The Son of man makes his appearance on the 1st December 1984 and prophecies for 1260 days dressed in sackcloth.
Confirmation in chapter 84:9 (read )
Additional confirmations for trump 6
a) Daniel 9:27 one week prophecy
b) Anna the prophetess 84 years old
c) George Orwell 1984
d) Square root 1984 Son of man exact age at 1 Dec 1984 when the prophecy began.

Trumpet 7:
The world is judged on 31 July 2004.
Confirmation in chapter 104:35
See video "Arise the last trumpet" (YouTube)
Also see Daniel 12:12 the 1335 days

               The End of Fallen Man

We are now in the White Throne judgment time. Revelation 20:11-12 and Daniel 7: 9:11
Those who reject the Son of man, reject the Father who sent Him, they bring condemnation upon themselves, and will surely die the second death.

End of  script.