My Letter To You
( An open letter to
all my friends )
Part 2
Those of you who still hold a job,
be thankful that you have friends in the work place.
I know that, at times,
there are those who take advantage of your humility.
They often falsely accuse you of wrongdoing,
and they treat you like a slave.
Be of good cheer, your time has come.
The Father has kept his promise;
the time for your redemption is at hand.
My friend, up to now I have written to you about
the meaning of the message according to the gospel.
At this time I will write to you about
the meaning of the message in our day to day living.
What are the practical implications
of the message according to the gospel?
To be more specific:
How has natural man falsified reality?
Natural man, being divorced from reality,
has a need to fabricate his own reality,
his own 'world'.
This fabricated 'world' is passed on from
generation to generation.
Natural man acquires his 'identity',
from a parent, by means of identification,
this happens during the first year of his life.
The process whereby the individual fabricates
his own 'world', by falsifying reality,
is known as 'education'.
Education starts with a language.
Before the individual can 'learn' anything,
he needs to be able to communicate with
fellow human beings.
The first step then is for the individual is
to learn a language.
The basis for any language is the alphabet.
Although it is true that the infant can
communicate to some degree,
before he has learned the alphabet,
his formal education requires that
he knows the alphabet.
The letters of the alphabet are then used
to construct word that will be used
as the symbols of his language.
For natural man then, each word is a symbol
that is associated with an object 'out there'.
In this manner the child builds a vocabulary
that will establish a framework
for his language.
The child is now able to express himself,
and listens a others expressing themselves.
He is able to communicate by means
of a language.
The reality facing natural man, is that the words
he learns are associated with his
'world out there',
the 'world' that does not exist in reality.
It means that if the child learns the word,
"tree", the 'tree' in his mind is not the real tree;
it 'exists' apart from the I, the Spirit.
The pseudo I(self), is his frame of reference.
The tree has been falsified
because the individual is deluded.
The dilemma facing us my friend,
is that we are not of this world,
although we are in this world.
How then do we make the distinction
between the real tree,
and he 'tree' fabricated by natural man?
The way to do this,
is to put the falsified 'tree' in
single inverted commas.
This means the present world is confusing
because there is a duplication(copy).
There is a tree, and for natural man,
there is a copy, a 'tree'.
Spiritual man and natural man
lives side by side, in two different worlds.
Unless spiritual man is aware of this
duplication, it is not possible for him to
make sense of the present world system.
The use of single inverted commas
helps spiritual man to increase his awareness
of this duplication which is always
present in natural man.
Spiritual man then, can be aware of both worlds;
the 'world' fabricated by natural man,
and the real world created by Elohim.
Spiritual man is contaminated to the extent
that he holds on to the 'world'
fabricate by natural man.
The real world is the world that needs
to be discovered,
after the individual is converted.
When the 'tree' is made whole,
it becomes a tree.
Everything is made new.
This my friend is the message according
to the gospel.
The process of falsification is not
questioned by natural man,
he accepts it willingly.
Natural man is not aware that there has been
a shift in his frame of reference.
The driving force that motivates
his behavior, is the idea of separation.
Being separated from Elohim,
natural man is obsessed with
the idea of separation.
In order to understand his 'world',
everything needs to be dissected,
separated, broken apart, falsified.
The falsification of the numbering system
starts at an early age.
Usually the child is told that each
of his fingers can be represented by a number,
one to ten.
The child is made to believe there is a valid
symbol for each finger.
When the child writes down the 'numbers',
he will notice that the last 'number' ten,
has two symbols, one and zero.
If he should question this he will be told
that the zero is a 'place holder'.
In reality there is no need for the
so called 'place holder'.
The child does not know that a shift has taken place;
the first 'number' has been moved
to the last position in order to make the
'numbers' appear valid.
In reality the child is taught that
the ten 'numbers' of the decimal system,
is 'zero' to 'nine'.
The child has been taught
that 'zero' is a 'number'.
A number, my friend, is a quantitative symbol.
The falsification of the numbering system,
made us accept 'zero' as a valid number.
'Zero' being non - quantitative,
is a fabricated pseudo number,
an irrational number.
By falsifying the first number in the numbering
system, everything that follows is falsified.
We are taught that irrational numbers,
are 'real' numbers.
The falsification of the numbering system
takes place when natural man,
having no frame of reference('zero'),
modifies the numbering system
to conform to his mindset.
He does this by shifting the one,
one place to the right to make room for the
"not one" ('zero').
His frame of reference is now
'zero' instead of one.
(Mark 13:14)
The falsification of the numbering system
also causes a shift in perception from
the unit, to that which separates the units.
All natural man's measuring instruments
are made with the emphasis on
the dividing lines,
and the segments are ignored.
The segment (unit) becomes 'zero',
and the dividing lines becomes the 'units'.
example of the ruler: 0 1 2
3 4 5 6.....
In reality the dividing lines are abstractions,
and are only there for the convenience
of measurement.
This shift of perception leads to all
kinds of inconsistencies.
In the book Revelation, the number, seven,
is used to denote completeness.
The reason for this becomes clear
when we de-falsify the 'decimal' system.
Taking the 'numbers' from zero to nine:
The 'nine' becomes 'zero',
the alpha and the omega, beginning and end.
The 'eight' becomes one, for the same reason.
We then have de-falsified numbers one to one,
completeness: 12345671
Seven numbers and seven segments.
A segment being the spaces(units)
between two numbers.
In this letter I use the decimal system
to number each paragraph.
'Zero' has been removed and in its place is one.
The ten numbers are one (1) to ten (L).
This letter is complete and has
one hundred and thirty two paragraphs,
for the convenience of reference.
(In this case, L being the symbol for ten)
Falsification of the numbering system,
has resulted in a system
that can only be described as chaotic.
In place of the whole number one,
and the rational numbers that constitute one,
we have a multitude of meaningless terms
such as: 'integers, whole number, natural
number, rational number, irrational number,
imaginary number, proper fraction,
improper fractions' etc.
I say meaningless, because that is what they are.
Take a term such as 'whole numbers',
this is obviously a contradiction in terms,
unless 'whole' means not whole.
A 'rational' number is defined as a
number that expresses the relationship
between two integers.
Now my friend, should you ask them
what an 'integer' is?
They will say: 'an integer is a whole number'.
In reality an 'integer' is an inverted
rational number.
The part is larger than the whole.
A rational number expresses the
relationship between the part,
and the whole.
A rational number has a numerator,
expressing the part, and the denominator
expressing the whole.
The whole can be expressed as one,
or, alternatively, as the total number
of parts that make up the whole.
132/132 = 1 One
Remember that the parts are only
abstractions for the convenience of
whatever the numbering system is used for.
One, remains complete and indivisible.
Those of you who attended school,
can remember all the confusion in the classroom.
I know that some of you struggled
with the so-called 'mathematics'.
You could not comprehend why it was
permissible to multiply by 'zero',
but it was not permissible to divide by 'zero'.
Then there were the equations,
expressing that 'something' can be
equal to 'nothing'.
Remember those dreaded 'fractions'?
Some being 'proper' and others 'improper'.
'3/4' and '4/3'
Students of 'history' can recall
the confusion concerning the year date-line.
The date-line that measures the years
has no 'zero'; the frame of reference is one.
The Son of man was born in the year one,
the year "One" is the reference year
for the date-line.
They did not tell you they had to falsify
the date-line, by displacing the years,
and adding a 'zero' in between.
5- 4- 3- 2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Nevertheless the year date-line has
not been changed, even though
it is inconsistent with the present
'zero' base numbering system.
This is the real date-line:
BC ...| 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |... AD
The falsification of the numbering system
has changed unity-based mathematics
to 'zero'-based mathematics.
The effect of this is that mathematical
calculations are often in error.
Although the error is relatively small,
accuracy is lost.
"Mathematics the loss of certainty".(Kline)
The consequences of 'zero'-based
mathematics manifested itself in the
construction of the so called 'Hubble' telescope.
Because there was no feedback system
for correcting errors, the telescope
had to end up out of focus.
Usually natural man makes corrections
by using feed back systems.
In the case of the 'Hubble' telescope,
it was not practical to have a feed-back system.
Although they went to great extremes
to ensure accuracy,
the 'mathematics' failed due
to the falsification.
The shift from existence to 'non-existence',
brought about by the fall of spiritual man,
has caused natural man to falsify everything.
This is also apparent in the branch
of 'zero'-based mathematics known as
If you happened to be a student of 'geometry',
my friend, they will tell you that the length
of the side of a squared tile,
is incommensurable with the length of the
diagonal of the same tile.
Simply stated it means there is no rational number
expressing the relationship of the side,
and the length of the diagonal of the tile.
The above premise is false, however,
natural man has used it as a justification
for introducing the so-called 'irrational' numbers
as 'real' numbers.
Natural man does not realize that by
accepting 'zero' as a valid number,
he had already introduced irrational numbers
into his numbering system.
The Pythagorean theorem clearly states
that the sum of the surface areas
generated by the sides of the square,
are equal to the surface area of the
diagonal of the same square.
This means that the ratio between one
side surface area, and the diagonal
surface area, is one to two.
There can no question about this.
If then there is a rational number expressing
this relationship, then there should be a rational
expressing the relationship between the length
of the side, and the length of the diagonal,
from which the areas are generated.
Natural man has fabricated a number
of 'proofs' to support his contention
that irrational numbers are 'real' numbers.
The most common 'proof' uses 'odd' and 'even'
numbers as a means to show that
irrational numbers are 'real'.
To use irrational numbers to 'proof'
that irrational numbers are 'real'
is meaningless.
Natural man has fabricated ingenuous ways
to re-enforcing irrationality.
Some of you were told of a race between
a hare and a tortoise.
There are different versions of the story,
they all end with the tortoise
'winning' the race.
The purpose of the story is to re-enforce
the idea of irrationality.
To expose this fallacy, all that needs
to be said, is that they have nullified the
head start given to the tortoise.
Natural man's irrationality also manifests itself
in the three so-called mathematical
problems of antiquity.
Supposedly it is 'impossible' to trisect any
given angle,
or square any circle,
or double the volume of a cube,
using an unmarked straight edge
and a compass.
All these so called 'impossibilities'
are now shown to be false.
All the above fallacies simply means that
a compass
cannot be used to establish ratios.
In reality, a compass is the only instrument
that can be used to establish ratios.
The ratio between the radius of a circle,
and it's circumference is one to six.
A compass should therefore be used by man
to make measuring instruments for the
purpose of solving practical problems.
It follows that the ratio between a circle,
and it's diameter, is one to three,
this was known thousands of years ago.
(2 Kings 7: 23)
To equate the straight line radius of a circle,
with it's curved line circumference
makes no sense at all.
A clear example of the irrational mindset.
My friend, I cannot write to you
without mentioning the so-called 'science'
of human behavior, referred to as 'psychology'.
As is the case with 'mathematics' and ''physics',
'psychology' is also a product of natural man.
'Psychology' is divorced from reality.
'Psychology' is an attempt to make sense of
natural man's irrational behavior.
A person is said to be 'normal' or
'well adjusted', if he conforms to natural
man's standard of behavior.
On the other hand he is 'deviant'
or 'mentally disturbed',
to the degree that he deviates
from natural man's standard
of irrational behavior.
Spiritual man's frame of reference is reality,
the Spirit of unity.
The mindset of spiritual mind is therefore,
"I exist", or more simply stated, "I am".
Spiritual man's mindset is
independent of natural man.
His behavior is motivated by
the Spirit of Elohim,
The Great Spirit that rules over all.
He is a rational being, and was
born without a irrational mindset.
To say that man is born a 'sinner',
is blasphemy.
When spiritual man falls from grace,
some time during the first year of his life,
he becomes natural man.
From this time onward, he will be coerced
into one of the four states of delusion.
The position he gravitates to,
is determined by the state of delusion
of those closest to him.
The four personality types occupied
by natural man are referred to as,
the "four beasts" in the Bible.
Natural man has classified the four beast
as follows:
'I am not ok, you are not ok,;
I am not ok, you are ok;
I am ok, you are ok;
I am ok, you are not ok.'
Every natural person occupies
one of these states of mind.
Notice the duality in the states
of mind, as classified by natural man.
In addition to these four states of mind
there is a fifth state of mind.
Individuals in this state of mind,
are referred to as 'mentally ill'.
These individuals are trapped between the
"I am" position, and the
four positions classified by natural man.
They are caught between two worlds.
The real world, and the
fabricated 'world' of natural man.
These individuals are disorientated,
and are usually institutionalized.
The 'mentally ill' are usually 'treated'
by prescribing some or other chemical substance.
This is done to suppress their sense of reality
by lowering their level of awareness.
With their senses dulled, the individuals
can be manipulated so that they
conform to the corrupt system.
When the chemicals wear off, they return to
their disoriented states of mind.
The 'doctors' rationalize by saying that
their patients have a 'chemical imbalance'.
This disorientated individuals can be helped
by counseling them, and explaining to them
what the problem is, and guiding
them into the real world.
It is a sad reflection of this world,
that the so-called mental patients, are
closer to reality, than the 'doctors'
who 'treat' them.
Once natural man's delusional level has
stabilized, his main task is to
protect his identity.
The means of protection is referred to as
the 'defense mechanism'.
The more a person is deluded,
the stronger is his defense mechanism,
and the higher is his level of 'self esteem'.
Natural man spends his whole
life protecting his delusion,
his irrational mindset,
unless he is born again.
Jonh 3:3 and 7
The defenses natural man uses to protect
his delusion include the following:
evasion, denial, projection, rationalization,
and withdrawal.
By relying on these defenses in his day
to day living, natural man is able
to maintain his delusional state of mind,
from collapsing.
When natural man is confronted with
traumatic experiences such as war,
rape, serious illness, or the death of
somebody very close to him/her,
it becomes difficult to avoid reality,
and the person often breaks down.
During this time conversion can take
place if the person receives
spiritual counseling.
Natural man's 'confidence' level depends
on how much he values the self,
his level of 'self-esteem'.
The more he values the self, the more
arrogant his behavior.
Such a person appears to be confident.
He is an expert at manipulating others,
and he is a great defender of
the corrupt world system.
He usually enjoys a position of
status in the corrupt system.
This is the 'I am ok, you are ok' person.
In contrast to those with high 'self esteem',
there is the 'I am not ok, you are not ok' person.
This type of person has a low 'self esteem'.
He is vulnerable, and because of his humility,
he is often abused by the corrupt system.
This person is close to conversion,
he is standing at the door.
Conversion is the
from the
'I am not ok, you are not ok' position to the
"I am" position.
Any individual that is beyond the
'I am not ok, you are not ok,',
has to suffer the discomfort of a breakdown,
before conversion can take place.
This mental breakdown is characterized
by high levels of anxiety.
Anxiety is a feeling of extreme fear.
It is essential that the person is comforted
during his mental breakdown,
the tendency will be to avoid anxiety,
which is extremely frightening.
Most 'doctors' will administer drugs
to relieve the anxiety, and thus
prevent conversion.
I am writing to you my friends,
so that you may clearly see how
natural man behaves.
I know that you have been troubled
by many questions.
Now is the time to be patient,
and to abide in the
written and the spoken Word,
the faithful witness.
Remember the Word is a
two edged sword:
It is Your Only Defense.
Before I close this letter, I need to write
to you about some misconceptions
that still prevail with those who are
born again, the converts of this world.
Have they ever asked you
if you are for or against 'abortion'?
My friend, a person cannot be
for or against 'abortion'.
Abortion is the spontaneous rejection
of that which is not viable.
Abortion is a natural phenomena.
The 'abortion' natural man speaks of,
is plain and simple:
human sacrifice.
Through out the ages man has
practiced human sacrifice.
'Abortion' is only a disguise that enables
man to continue this tradition.
Have they ever asked you if you are for,
or against, capital punishment?
My friend, two wrongs do not make a right.
Is it not written that natural man is a murderer?
The act of committing a crime is not a cause,
it is a symptom of the irrational mindset.
Any person who is in favor of capital punishment,
does not accept message according to the gospel.
Have they ever asked you if you are
for, or against, corporal punishment?
my friend, guilt is not eliminated with a whip,
it is only forgiveness that can eliminate guilt.
If a person makes a confession,
do you then punish him?
When we pray do we not say:
"Forgive our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us"?
Have they ever asked you if you have
an objection to homosexuality?
My friend, a person is not born with
a sexual orientation,
he acquires it from this world.
Sin is not in the genes, it is in the mind.
Any natural person has a sexual orientation,
because his frame of reference is
outside of himself.
Spiritual man in contrast has
no sexual orientation.
He is what he is.
Have they ever told you that
you have 'freedom of speech'?
My friend, do not believe it.
Go to any place of 'learning' and
show the students how the number
system has been falsified, and see
what happens to your 'freedom of speech'.
'Freedom of speech' and 'human rights' are
reserved for those
who conform to the corrupt system.
Have they ever told you that you live
in a democratic country?
My friend, democracy means
majority rule, division.
It is a system whereby natural man
forces people to conform to his standards.
Democracy and politics go hand in hand.
Politics is the means whereby a
country promotes separation.
Have you heard them say:
'divide and conquer.'
Have they spoken to you about
communism and capitalism?
They do not realize that
communism and capitalism are the
two sides of the same coin.
The name of the coin is coercion.
The use of force as a means to an end.
Communism is open coercion, by the collective
against the individual.
Capitalism is covert coercion, by the collective
against the individual.
Have they ever told you that
the antichrist is coming soon?
Do no be deceived my friend,
natural man is the antichrist.
There is no need to wait for the antichrist,
he has been with us for a long time.
It is written that those who confess not that
Jesus Christ has come in the flesh,
is the antichrist.
2 John 1:7
Have they ever told you that the
Son of man is 'God'?
My friend, the 'God' they speak of,
is not our heavenly Father,
it is the 'God' of this world.
The devil.
Is it not written that the Father
is greater than the Son?
Natural man does not accept that the
whole is greater than the part.
Have they ever told that salvation
is impossible without 'Jesus'?
My friend, the 'Jesus' they speak of
is not the Son of man.
It is the same 'Jesus' they say is 'God'.
They cannot accept that their 'Jesus' is not real;
The Son of man himself said:
"Not everyone that saith unto me,
Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
Kingdom of Heaven."
Matthew 7:21
Have they ever told you
to become a member of their church,
because they have the only 'true church'?
They do not realize that their
organized church, is part of this
world system, it is corrupt.
There is only one church,
it is an informal church,
its members are scattered
all over the world.
All my fiends are members
of the church(body)
of the Son of man.
I have written to you my friend,
so that you may see that natural man is irrational.
Natural man has come to the end of the line.
The serpent unknowingly swallowed it's own tail,
and now the realization is dawning.
There is no turning back,
self destruction is inevitable.
The devil is angry, he knows that his time has come.
Natural man has a vested interest in the corrupt world,
his identity is dependent on it.
With all his might he is attempting to
prevent is from coming to an end.
It is all in vain, for when the foundation is flawed,
the edifice will collapse.
" And the temple of God was opened in heaven,
and there was seen in his temple the
ark of his testament;
and there was lightnings, and voices, and
thunderings, and an earthquake
and great hail ".
Revelation 11:19
"And as it was in the days of Noah,
so shall it also be in the days of the Son of Man.
They did eat, they drank, they married wives,
they were given in marriage, until
the day that Noah entered into the ark,
and the flood came and destroyed them all -
even thus shall it be in the day that the
Son of Man is revealed."
Luke 17:26,27 and 30.
"And they answered and said unto him,
where Lord?
and he said unto them,
where soever the body is,
thither will the eagles be gathered together."
Luke 17:37
My friends, this letter has opened the gate,
and it shall remain open.
I greet you in the name of our
Heavenly Father.
I am Duke,
your friend and fellow servant.
" These things have I ...............