" And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads. "
There is a great deal of speculation about the beast, the image of the beast, and the mark of the beast. The beast is natural man. The image of the beast is the computer/calculator. The mark of the beast is the German swastika. The swastika portrays the distortion(shift) that has taken place in the mind of man. When man falls from grace, soon after birth, a shift takes place in his mind. Existence(one/all) is moved, to make room for non existence(zero/nothing). From this moment on, man's mind is distorted, he becomes deluded, double minded. Natural man is irrational, he fabricates a fantasy world which is totally divorced from the real world. This shift has a profound effect on the life of man and the world we live in. The mark of the beast is the symbol which
signifies the shift(distortion) that has taken place
in the mind of man. The mark of the beast is derived
from the time clock. Conceptually the one is moved
one position to the right, to make room for the
zero. ( Mark 13:14 ) Fig 1 shows how the clock face looks before
the shift has taken place. Fig 2 shows the clock
face after the shift has taken place. The twelve is
a convenient number because it hides the zero. The
military time system starts with zero hour and ends
with twenty three hours. Each number on the clock
face represent a line (not duration), instead of a
hour, which is duration(extension). This means instead of reading
duration(time), natural man reads the division
lines(not time). The practical implication is that
instead of reading the time as " the third hour and
the tenth minute"(3:10), we distort reality by
saying: ' it is nine minutes past two'(2:09). "And
it was about the sixth hour, and there was a
darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour "
Luke 23:44 The present day clock is an extension of
natural man, it is the mark of the beast.
It is no coincidence that Hitler(Apollyon) chose the
swastika as his trademark(symbol). |