" Howbeit we speak wisdom
among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought: " The wisdom of this world literally
comes to naught. The 'number' naught(zero) is
in reality not a number. A number is a
quantitative symbol, it expresses quantity. If there
is no quantity, there can be no number. Zero
falsifies the numbering system. The 'number' zero has its origin in
the Babylonian system approximately 300 BC.
The symbol was first used as a 'placeholder'
on the abacus. At the time it was not regarded as a
number. Later on, zero become a 'number'
and gradually the symbol which has become the
trademark of natural man, became accepted as a valid
number by the 'scientific' community. For a detailed
history of the origin of zero, as well as the
struggle to keep it alive, I refer the reader to
Charles Seife's book entitled: " ZERO The Biography
of a Dangerous Idea." The good news is that the
'number' zero, the abomination of desolation, has
finally kicked the bucket, and can now rest in
peace. In this word 'mathematics' is a very
important part of the 'education' system. Most universities
have grade twelve 'maths', as a prerequisite for
enrolment. This means that there is a great deal of
pressure on students to excel at 'mathematics'
during their school 'education'. This pressure
succeeds in keeping students who are reluctant to
conform, out of university. Modern 'mathematics' is riddled with
contradictions. Professor Morris Kline's book
entitled: " Mathematics the loss of certainty " clearly outlines
that the idea of 'mathematics' as a
science, makes a mockery of common sense. To
quote Morris: " In fact mathematics had developed
illogically. Its illogical development contained
not only false proofs, slips in reasoning, and
inadvertent mistakes which with more care
could have been avoided. Such plunders there
were a plenty. " " It is now apparent that
the concept of a universally accepted, infallible
body of reasoning - the majestic mathematics of 1800
and the pride of man - is a grand illusion." Most students struggle with the
inconsistencies of 'mathematics'. Take the case of
'proper and improper fractions'. A 'proper fraction'
has a part (numerator), that is smaller than
the whole (denominator). An 'improper
fraction' on the other hand, has a 'part' that is
larger than the 'whole'. The deluded
student does not question this nonsense. The student
that is close to reality knows that it does not make
sense, however he refrains from asking questions,
because of peer pressure, and the fear of
being castigated by his 'teacher'. A clear indicator of mathematical
inconsistency is apparent when we examine the pocket
calculator. Multiplying by zero is acceptable.
Dividing by zero gives an error message. Yet
multiplication is seen as the inverse of division.
By accepting zero as a valid number, natural man has
fabricated a system that can only lead to
chaos. The consequences of working from false
premises is devastating. Albert Einstein theory of
'special' relativity is a classic example of how a
false premise, invariably leads to a false theory.
Needless to say, false theories, lead to false
conclusions. which in turn, lead to irrational
behavior. Addendum: 4/3/2010 The loss of certainty