The Pythagorean Theorem (Making it real) " Rest
satisfied with doing well, Pythagoras " (iv) The discovery of irrationals.
This is certainly attributed to the Pythagoreans
but it does seem unlikely to have been due to
Pythagoras himself This went against
Pythagoras's philosophy the all things are
numbers, since by a number he meant the ratio of
two whole numbers. However, because of his belief
that all things are numbers it would be a natural
task to try to prove that the hypotenuse of an
isosceles right angled triangle had a length
corresponding to a number."
School of Mathematics and Statistics University of St Andrews, Scotland
The purpose of this short
message is to make it clear that the side and
the diagonal of a square are commensurable.This
means that we can use a square to show that:
AB sq + BC sq = AC sq (equation) There is no need to skew a
triangle in order to put numerical values to the
three sides. More important is that it shows
there is no need for irrational numbers. The
length of the side of a square is 12/17.
Rational numbers can fill in all the gaps
fabricated by irrational man.
The diagrams are self
explanatory, the addition of one after each side
is squared, is to give substance to the surface
area. Without this addition the surface areas
will only be two dimensional, a meaningless
abstraction, a superficial area. (ABsq+1) + (BCsq+1) //
(ACsq+1) Without any practical value, mathematics becomes a senseless exercise in futility.
The slanted surface area is greater than the
superficial area, however, when the
surface area is made even, by means of a
wedge, it becomes equal to the superficial
area. The difference is that it now has
substance(depth), and is known as a surface area.
Perspective The
valid should we draw a rectangle instead of a
square. Another contribution that came from the
Pythagorean school is the so called "golden
rectangle" which is derived from this rectangle.
The structure of the famous Parthenon was build
using the so called "divine proportion".
![]() Proportion
Let us see how Pythagoras relates to proportion. I quote Plato(Timaeus), a follower of Pythagoras: "It is impossible to join two things in a beautiful manner without a third being present, for a bond must exist to unite them, and this is best achieved by a proportion. For , if of three magnitudes the mean is to the least as the greatest to the mean, and , conversely, the least is to the mean as the mean to the greatest- then is the last the first and the mean, and the mean the first and the last. Thus are all by necessity the same, and since they are the same, they are but one." Now let
us examine the sketch.
![]() Least / Mean = Mean / Greatest s-x / x = x / s x sq = s ( s-x ) x sq = s sq - sx x sq + sx - s sq // 1 (They are but one " Plato ") Substituting values from Pythagoras and we have: 5sq + 5*8 - 8sq // 1 25 + 40 - 64 // 1 --------------> Also 5/8 = 8/13 is 64=65 (a valid equation.) ADDENDUM-82016 I MAKE THE DISTINCTION BETWEEN AN EQUATION AND A SUMMATION. MY SYMBOL FOR AN EQUATION " = " MY SYMBOL OF A SUMMATION " // " AN EQUATION IS SEQUENTIAL a = a + 1 = b A SUMMATION REPRESENTS " IN PLACE OF "(TAUTOLOGY) 3 + 4 // 7 a sq + b sq = c sq (equation) 12 sq + 12 sq = 17 sq (Pythagoras) 144 + 144 = 289 (a valid equation) (12sq + 1) + ( 12sq + 1) // 17sq + 1 (Pythagoras theorem) 145 + 145 // 290 (Summation) a/b = b/c ( PROPORTION) 12/17 = 17/24 (Pythagoras) 288 = 289 (VALID EQUATION) THEREFORE C // 2A // 24 ALL VALID NUMBERS ARE QUANTITATIVE. THERE IS ONLY ONE WHOLE NUMBER 1(ONE). ALL OTHER NUMBERS ARE RATIONAL NUMBERS. A RATIONAL NUMBER HAS TWO PARTS, A NUMERATOR(PART) AND A DENOMINATOR(WHOLE). IN THE NUMBERING SYSTEM RATIONAL NUMBERS REPRESENT RELATIONSHIPS(RATIOS) ZERO IS NOT A NUMBER, IT IS NON QUANTITATIVE(IRRATIONAL) ALL THE SO CALLED ' WHOLE NUMBERS(INTEGERS 2.3.4..) ' ARE IRRATIONAL, THE PART IS LARGER THAN THE WHOLE, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ONE, WHICH IS THE ONE AND ONLY WHOLE NUMBER. The
- Part One
The Legacy of
Pythagoras - Part Two