Believers Information Network

The Inconvenient Reality
(The Irrational Mindset)

" And he  that talked with me
had a golden reed to measure the city,

and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof."

For those who may not know it, this world is suffering under a curse. Because of this curse, the world is in a state of turmoil. The curse that haunts us, is the irrational mindset, it is the only evil on earth. Everything that is wrong with this world, comes from this irrational mindset. Global warming is only one symptom of the irrational mindset. The world as we know it, is a product of this corrupted mindset. I will now show you how the corrupted irrational mindset distorts reality.

We go back to basics, and examine the measuring tool(ruler) of the irrational mindset. The ruler is an instrument that is suppose to measures linear extension. It is divided up by lines, which are numbered. The sketch shows a thirty centimeter ruler marked off in centimeters.


The first line is numbered "zero", and the last line is numbered "thirty". There are thirty one numbers, and only thirty spaces. A space being the extension between the dividing lines on the ruler. Each number on the ruler represents a dividing line.

According to the irrational mindset this ruler has a very serious limitation. This ruler can measure some extensions, but not all extensions. The ruler is a 'ruler', and a 'not-ruler', at the same time. There is a duality here. It means it cannot measure all extensions up to thirty centimeters. The irrational mindset teaches that there are holes(gaps), in this ruler. This means that some measurements cannot be expressed as rational numbers.


A rational number has two elements, the part, and the the whole. The numerator, and the denominator, together form a rational number.


Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be expressed as ratios. The irrational mindset teaches that irrational numbers are part of extension. This means that irrational numbers are regarded as real numbers. Go to any school or college, and you will find that this is what is taught. This is not true, irrational numbers are corrupted numbers.

We now examine the measuring tool of the rational mindset. His ruler is broken up into extensions which are numbered.

The first extension, is numbered, "one", and the last one is, "thirty". Each number therefore precedes the extension which it represents. In order to make the ruler complete, the number "one" appears at the end. The ruler begins with number one and ends with number one. There are thirty extensions and thirty numbers. Each number represent an extension, in this case, one centimeter.

This ruler has a limitation imposed on it by the number of extensions it has. In this specific case, an accuracy of one centimeter is the limitation. Should we require a higher degree of accuracy we can use a millimeter ruler. This ruler can measure any extension from one to thirty centimeters. There  are no holes(gaps) in the extension, it is complete. Any measure within the scope of his ruler is expressed as a rational number. The numerator represents the part, and the denominator the whole.

We now look at the way in which the irrational mindset measures extension. The irrational mindset  ignores the extensions, by numbering the lines. The mind has shifted from that which is real(extension), to the  abstract(line). In reality, the lines on a ruler are not dividers, they are indicators. The lines only indicate where one extension ends, and the next one begins. By nullifying the extensions the irrational mindset creates a falsified ruler.


The irrational mindset measures with lines.
The rational mindset measures with extensions.

The irrational mindset, is an absolute. Every individual human being is born with a rational mindset. Unfortunately we are born unto an irrational world, and due to social pressure we lose our rationality by the time we come to the end of our first year. Our mindset has changed from rational to irrational, we have fallen from grace. Unless we die to this world, and become born again, rationality cannot be restored. We will retain our irrational mindset until we physically die. So this means that every human being has  rational mindset, or an irrational mindset. Those who are caught in-between, are in mental institutions. Now you can see why the irrational mindset is irrational.

Today you have seen only the tip of the iceberg.  This means the foundation of our education system is flawed. What I have shown you has devastating consequences. Everything from basic arithmetic, to quantum physics, is corrupted. It means that everything that comes from the irrational mindset, is false. We have no choice, but to abandon the present world system. Everything will be made new, this is the dawning of  a new day.
Now you know why the world as we know it, is coming to an end. The time has come to expose the the irrational mindset. No longer is it possible to hide behind convenient lies. Time to get in your life boat, the Titanic is sinking.
I have shown you the inconvenient reality.
Spread the word, and go in peace.


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