Believers Information Network

'Human Rights'

" Every person is entitled to certain rights –
 simply by the fact that they are a human being.
 They are "rights" because they are things you
 are allowed to be, to do or to have."


" But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled
Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be
corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ "

The corruption of the world system is blatantly obvious in the idea  of 'human rights'. It is blatantly obvious in the above mentioned quote from the youthforhumanrights organization: 'they are things you are allowed to be, to do or to have'. (my emphasis)

The question is this:  Allowed by whom ? Who is it that grants these 'rights' ? From whence comes the  permission ? Whom is the giver ? The answer is obvious; the state, the corrupted system which has been fabricated by irrational man.

There can be no such thing as 'rights' unless they are granted. The word 'right' implies " to grant or to give permission", 'rights' have to be given. Without this connotation the word 'right' becomes meaningless.

The masses are being told that they have a 'right' to: shelter, food, medical aid, water, free speech, education, transport, information,  shop,  property,  walk, ride a bicycle,  smile :-) ....... etc.

 'Rights' are now allocated to: children, parents, animals, prisoners, producers, consumers,  homeowners, street people, criminals, drivers, pedestrians,  companies, employers, employees, men, women, families, smokers, drinkers, fanatics ....., etc.
It is astonishing that natural man is so gullible that he accepts all this nonsense without question.  The concept of 'rights', can be classified as Orwellian, despotic. The key element in this kind of  discourse is control. 'Rights' and 'duties' go hand in hand. For every 'right' there is a 'duty'. The 'duty' is now called a 'responsibility'. The 'duty' is to be a 'good' citizen, to conform to that which is dictated. ' Human rights ' are concessions 'granted' by the state, to those whom conform to the system.

Those who do not conform to the system, lose their 'rights' in the twinkling of an eye. They become enemies of the state, criminals.  This is why the Son of man was crucified more than two thousand years ago. However they did not count on him being resurrected, nor did they  count on him returning some day. They do not know that they will now be  held accountable. The day has dawned, soon every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess.