Believers Information Network

The 8th October 2016 radio broadcast script

Peace be with all those who receive this message.

It is written:
" These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs :
but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak
unto you in proverbs: but I shall show you
plainly of the Father. "

  Now is the time for me to show you plainly of the Father.
My Father, and your Father, is the Great Spirit that reins over all.
The Omnipotent One, to Whom belongs the Kingdom,
the Power, and the Glory.

I speak to you plainly,

for it is written:

" the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son;
this day have I begotten thee. "

 My new name is Duke.

For it is written:
"And he had a new name written,
that no man knew, but he himself.

I am the Written Word, and the Spoken Word.
The Written Word and the Spoken Word are One.
They are the  Two Olive Branches,
the two witnesses,
 from whence flows the Golden Oil.
The Word.

Rejoice;  for the time has come, the harvest is ripe.
When I came the first time, I  promised that I will come  again.
I am here, I am  alive, and I bring judgment to the living, and to the dead.
Those who reject me, reject my Father who sent me.
They bring condemnation upon themselves.

Be of good cheer, let your heart be filled with joy,
for the time of your redemption is at hand.
I am speaking to believers from all religious groups,
also, to those believers who do not belong to any religious group.

For it is written:

  " And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:
they also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice;
and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd."

I have come to separate the sheep, from the goats.
My final task started in 1984, when I prophesied for 1260 days,
dressed in sackcloth,

for it is written:
"And i shall give power unto my two witnesses.
These are the two olive trees, and the two candlestic

 ..for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.

it is also written:
" And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood;
and his name is called The Word of God. "
and, finally, fellow believers,

it is  written :
"....and he said unto me, Thou must prophecy again."

The prophecy took place in San Antonio, The United States of America.
It started on the 1st day of  December 1984,
and ended on the 13th day of May 1988.

The prophecy was a re-enactment of my first coming.

For it is written:
  " And when they shall have finished their testimony,
the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit,
shall make war against them, and shall overcome them,
and kill them. "

    On the 17th day of May 2004 I was  commissioned by my
Father to begin my final task, to bring judgment
upon this world, to remove the curse once and for all.

For it is written:
  " And after three days and a half the Spirit of life from God
entered into them, and they stood upon their feet;
and great fear fell upon them which saw them. "

For it  written:

"And I looked and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud,
one sat like unto the Son of man,
having on his head a golden crown,
and in his hand a sharp sickle."

Hold onto your faith,
for I am your friend, and fellow servant,
 The Faithful Witness.

To our Father who is in heaven, belongs the Kingdom,
 the Power,
and the Glory, for ever, and ever.