Believers Information Network

The 'Special Theory'

Of  Relativity

"...[a] magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king ... its exponents are brilliant men but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists .." Nikola Tesla

" Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore." Albert Einstein


During the time after the prophecy of 1984-1988, when we were still in America, I visited a number of university libraries in order to obtain first hand information. One of the topics I was interested in, was getting  a better insight into the writings of Albert Einstein, in particular concerning his 'special theory of relativity'. I managed to find a book that he wrote in the twenties concerning the subject, the title of the book is;
Relativity-The  Special and General Theory.

This book is my  primary source of information in questioning Mr.Einstein's 'special theory' of relativity.

The purpose of this essay is to show the reader how the curse which is upon earth, has skewed our perception of reality. When we begin to see how irrational man is, we can come to grips with the mess we find ourselves in.  I have specifically chosen Mr.Einstein to get my message across because in this world,  in the eyes of the masses, he is a man of high esteem. Time magazine gave him "the person of the century" award, and with good reason. I quote from the editorial column of Time magazine dated 31 December 1999:
 "Einstein best met our criteria: the person who, for better or worse, personified our times and will be recorded by history as having the most lasting significance." 


In my original letter to fellow believers I mention that Mr.Einstein's reasoning was flawed. In chapter 6 of his book, he makes an argument for the theorem of addition of velocities. Toward the end of the chapter he does mention that in reality the theorem does not hold. However prior to him saying this, he seems to make a valid argument for the, 'addition of velocities', theorem.

It is obvious that his argument is flawed by saying that, if a man walks in a train carriage, in the same direction as the carriage is moving, then the velocity with which the man is moving, relative to the embankment, equals the velocity of the carriage, plus the velocity with which the man is walking. This cannot be the case simply because the velocity with which the man moves, cannot exceed the velocity of the carriage. The man is in the carriage, he is part of the carriage, he cannot be separated from the carriage. The man is bound by the carriage. The velocity with which he is moving, is identical to the velocity of the carriage, relative to the embankment. This should be common sense.


It is clear to me that Mr. Einstein's special theory of relativity is flawed because of faulty reasoning. Now there are those who will argue that this cannot be the case, because Mr Einstein's theory has been 'proven' over and over again.

My response to them is that because it appears that the theory works, does not necessarily mean that it is true. What has happened is that Mr. Einstein accepted a false premise as being true, and in order to correct his error in reasoning, he has fabricated, a false theory in order to compensate for his false premise. The moral of the story is that two wrongs do not make a right, even although they provide the correct answer to a problem.

In this essay i will start with Mr Einstein's example of the event that takes place when a stone is dropped from a moving carriage, onto an embankment. The stone is dropped  by Mr Einstein from the carriage, and the event is observed by a bystander on the embankment. Hopefully when we get to the end of this essay the reader will have a clear insight into the erroneous reasoning of Mr.Einstein.


The First paragraph.

" The purpose of mechanics is to describe how bodies change position in space with time. I should load my conscience with grave sins against the sacred spirit of lucidity were I to formulate the aims of mechanics in this way, without serious reflection and detailed explanations. Let us proceed to disclose these sins. "

{ Let us examine Mr.Einstein's 'serious reflection and detailed explanation.'}

The Second paragraph.

"It is not clear what is to be understood here by 'position and space'."

{To me these concepts are clear, they mean "where/place" and "what/extension". Mr.Einstein is in effect saying that he finds these concepts; "position" and "space" very difficult to conceptualize, comprehend. According to the Oxford dictionary the word "space" means: "Continues extension viewed with or without reference to the existence of objects within it." It would seem that if the objects are missing,  Mr.Einstein has a problem with the concept. }

" I stand at the window of a railway carriage which is traveling uniformly, and drop a stone on the embankment, without throwing it. Then, disregarding the influence of the air resistance , I see the stone descend in a straight line. A pedestrian who observes the misdeed from the footpath notices that the stone falls to earth in a parabolic curve. I now ask: Do the positions traversed by the stone lie "in reality" on a straight line or on a parabola ? "

{ The answer to this question is  straightforward:" in reality on a parabola ". To suggest that if two observers see the same event, from different locations, they will plot  different (conflicting) paths for the falling stone, makes a mockery of science.

 Mr. Einstein says, "I see the stone descend in a straight line". The reason the stone appears to be ascending in a 'straight line', is because Mr. Einstein is disregarding(ignoring) the 'moving earth', this is a grave error. (We are reminded of the man walking in the carriage).   I say 'moving earth' because Mr. Einstein sees the moving carriage as being  'stationary', and the stationary earth, as 'moving'. Another grave error. He uses the 'stationary' carriage" It is not clear what is to be understood here by  'position' and 'space'." as his frame of reference. In reality the carriage is moving, and the earth is our stationary frame of reference. The stone is dropped from the carriage to earth. In any case, in science we are not concerned with appearances, rather we en devour to establish what is really taking place around us.}        

"Moreover, what is meant here by motion 'in space'.? "

{This is elementary; What is meant is that the stone moves freely from Mr.Einstein's hand to the ground.}

" From the considerations of the previous section the answer is self-evident. In the first place, we entirely shun the vague word "space", of which, we must honestly acknowledge, we cannot form the slightest conception, and we replace it by  "motion relative to a practically rigid body of reference." The positions to the body of reference (railway carriage or embankment) have already been defined in detail in the preceding section. "

{ To nullify the concept "space/extension/ether", is another grave error,  it is tantamount to saying; "existence does not exist".} 

"If instead of "body of reference" we insert "system of co-ordinates" which is a useful idea for mathematical description we are in a position to say: The stone traverses a straight line relative to a system of co-ordinate rigidly attached to the carriage, but relative to a system of co-ordinates attached to the ground (embankment) it describes a parabola. With the aid of this example it is clearly seen that there is no such thing as an independently existing trajectory (lit."path-curve") but only a trajectory relative to a particular body of reference."

{In reality there is only one path that the stone can follow. The path of the stone begins when Mr.Einstein drops the stone from the moving carriage, and it ends when the stone comes to rest on the stationary co-ordinate system (earth). The path is a parabolic curve. All movement is relative to non movement. By no stretch of imagination can the path of the stone be a straight line under the given circumstances (event).

The movement of the stone takes place in two directions, vertical (gravity), as well as horizontal (momentum). The path is combination of the two directions.(See Fig.A) Only if the carriage is stationary, or if the stone is dropped onto the floor of the moving carriage, is it possible for the path of the stone to follow a straight line. In the last mentioned case the stone's momentum will not apply, because the stone is then dropped onto the floor of the carriage. The carriage  is regarded as being stationary with respect to the earth. The movement of the stone is then restricted by the carriage (the principle of relativity). }

The Third paragraph.

" In order to have a complete description of the motion, we must specify how the body alters its position with time; i.e. for every point in the trajectory it must be stated at what time the body is situated there. These data must be supplemented by such a definition of time that, in virtue of this definition, these time values can be regarded essentially as magnitudes ( results of measurements ) capable of observation."

{ Mr. Einstein is now preparing the way for his theory
of simultaneity.}

" If we take our stand on the ground of classical mechanics, we can satisfy this requirement for our illustration in the following manner. We imagine two clocks of identical construction ; the man on the railway carriage window is holding one of them, and the man on the footpath the other. Each of the observers determines the position of his own reference-body occupied by the stone at each tick of the clock he is holding in his hand. In this connection we have not taken account of the inaccuracy involved by the finiteness of the velocity of propagation of light. With this and with a second difficulty prevailing here we shall have to deal in detail later. "

{ This section is irrelevant. Mr. Einstein is assuming that his false premise, that the same stone follows two different paths, is acceptable


Chapter 3 of Mr.Einstein's book is crucial in that it exposes his 'reasoning' to be completely divorced from reality. In effect what Mr. Einstein has done is to nullify (reject), the idea of "space", and to replace it with two separate 'frames of reference'. We now have two 'co-ordinate systems', one 'system', rigidly attached to the carriage, and the other 'system' rigidly attached to the earth. In committing this sin Mr.Einstein has created his own dilemma which will force him to fabricate a theory that will enable him to escape from his dilemma.

Now, having a theory that is not workable in practical terms, Mr. Einstein has no choice but to   manipulate his measuring instruments, in order to save him from disaster. He does this by formulating a theory that slows down clocks, and  shortens rulers. The 'special theory of relativity ' is riddled with contradictions, the only reason it has persisted until now, is because natural man is suffering under a strong delusion.

Natural man takes the co-ordinate system, and breaks it up into two separate systems. These systems of relativity are referred to as the 'source theory', and the 'ether theory'. Now according to this 'reasoning', natural man assumes that only one of the two theories is valid. For the 'scientific' community the debate concerning these two theories came to an abrupt end when Mr.Einstein published his theory of  'special relativity'.


One of the experiments that was conducted prior to Mr.Einstein's theory, was the Michelson - Morley experiment in 1887. The premise underlying the M-M experiment was that the earth moves through space (ether), in its journey around the sun, and that the frame of reference is 'absolute', the ether(space).  

To the surprise of the 'scientific' community the results were negative, that is, there was no interference. Based on the initial premise, this then meant that the earth stood still. The 'scientists' interpretation of this result was that the concept of ether (space), was uncalled for and had to be rejected on the grounds that it resulted in a false conclusion. This result gave a big boost to those who adhered to the ' source theory'. What the experiment did confirm, was the principle of relativity. That the velocity of light is constant(c), and is relative to its source., In this instance the source was attached to the earth.

It would seem that the M-M experiment confirms Mr.Einstein's premise that there no such thing as space(ether). This is not the case because had the 'scientist' known the truth, they would have known in advance that the results of the M-M experiment would have been positive.


We will now briefly examine the principle of relativity in order to see that the velocity of light is always constant relative to its source, and how the M-M experiment confirmed this theory. I will use the "carriage" analogy to make my point. We will use a moving railway carriage to represent the earth, which is moving through space, in a orbit around the sun.      We are all in the carriage(on earth).  The railway line represents the path that the earth is moving along through space. Inside the carriage we will place a flashlight facing the direction of movement. The flashlight represents the interferometer.

With reference to Fig 1, assume the carriage is moving at v km per second and the that the velocity of light is represented by c km per second.

Now if we establish the 'relative' velocity of light using the 'ether theory',  we take the velocity of light c,  and we subtract the velocity of the carriage v, and   we arrive at a relative velocity of (c - v) km per second. 

On the other hand if we use the 'source theory', then we take the relative velocity of light c, and we add the velocity of the carriage v, in which case we derive a relative velocity of (c + v) km per second.

Now according to the principle of relativity, the source cannot be separated from space, both are required for a valid co-ordinate system. There can be no co-ordinate system unless there is a source, as well as extension (space). If then we combine these two elements,  we will see that the (+v), is canceled by the (-v), and the result is a velocity of c km per second. It follows that there will no interference pattern when we conduct the M - M experiment, simply because the velocity of light is relative to its source and remains constant.


We will now look at another perspective. We will change the elements of the previous experiment, so that the light shines in all directions inside the carriage.
The velocity of light in the carriage (earth) is therefore, c km per second in all directions, regardless of the velocity of the carriage. See Fig. 2 below. A light bulb is placed in the center of the carriage. By applying the same principles used for  fig 1 it becomes apparent that the velocity of light is   c km per second in both directions. The only difference will be that for the light beam pointing back, the relative velocity for the 'ether theory' will be (c+v) km/sec,  and the velocity for the 'source theory' will be (c-v) km/sec. As was the case before the +v cancels the -v with the resultant being  c km per second, which is the same velocity for the beam pointing to the front.

The velocity of light in the carriage (earth) is therefore, c km per second in all directions, regardless of the velocity of the source, which in this case, also happens to be attached to the earth(carriage). This is the principle of relativity applied.


In order to make sure the reader follows my reasoning, I will briefly outline the error in Mr.Einstein's theory once more. In the December 31 1999 issue of time, Mr. Hawking shows by way of an illustration, Mr. Einstein's motivation for slowing down clocks. In my message entitled; "An open letter to Time magazine" I showed how Mr.Einstein theory was flawed in respect to relativity and length. We will now look at Mr.Einstein's theory as it relates to relativity and time.

As usual Mr. Einstein uses two frames of reference. I refer the reader to Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 below. In the article Mr.Einstein is pictured with a clock in his hand, the caption on the clock reads; " More time has elapsed".

Fig1(Epic1) shows a man sitting in a railway carriage with a clock in his hand. He is observing a light beam traveling from a bulb on the roof of the carriage, to a mirror on the floor. The beam is then reflected straight back to the light source(bulb). The caption next to the carriage reads as follows: (be warned this is funny) "The observer riding the train thinks the light bulb and mirror are standing still."

Fig2(Epic2) shows Mr.Einstein observing the light beam in the same carriage from the embankment. The picture is different in that the light beam now travels diagonally from the bulb to the mirror on the floor and is then reflected diagonally back to the bulb. The caption next to the carriage reads as follows: " The observer watching the train thinks the light bulb and mirror are moving".


The reality is that the observer in the train, as well as Mr.Einstein should know that the train is moving, it seems that they are not sure. In addition they both should also know  that the light beam follows the same path for both observers. What Mr.Einstein has done is to separate the mirror from the bulb(once more the duality shows it's ugly face).  Now by separating the bulb from the mirror, Mr.Einstein 'thinks' that the path that the beam follows is longer than the beams actual path. The diagonal path showed in the illustration is incorrect, the bulb and the mirror move in unison. In order to save the day, he has no other  choice but to slow down his clock, because he knows that the velocity of light is constant. He slows down his clock by using the transformation equations borrowed from Mr. Lorentz.


Now what Mr. Einstein did was to approach the matter from a time/distance event, point of view. He then used the Lorentz transformation equations in order to substantiate his theory. Before Mr. Einstein fabricated his theory, Mr. Lorentz had already devised the formula that shortens rulers and slows down clocks. Mr. Lorentz assumed that the shortening could be attributed to the ruler moving  through the ether. Mr.Lorentz theory was based on the idea that the ether(space) is the frame of reference. Mr. Einstein rejected the idea of ether, and devised another method, 'the special theory of relativity', for applying the same transformation formulas.


Here is a brief outline of the rules of the principle of relativity as they relate to the movement of bodies through space.

a) All movement(motion) takes place within space, and is observed within space. Without space there can be no movement. Space is three dimensional and remains constant. (The Absolute)

b) There is a co - ordinate system within space with  respect to which any movement may be measured.(The Relative)   

c) The co - ordinate system used to measure movement is always regarded as being at rest in space. This means all  movement is  relative to  the stationary co- ordinate  system. The principle of relativity.

d) The velocity (rate of movement) of light is constant,  c km per sec, relative to the source of the light.

e) Time is universal.

f) Mass remains constant.

g) The mechanical laws of nature remain constant in all inertial systems.


Let us briefly examine the implications of relativity. Starting with the earth moving with a uniform velocity through space(around the sun), as an example of a closed system. This will apply to any closed system. The co-ordinate system is rigidly attached (Using Mr.Einsteins words) to the earth, and all events taking place on earth are  subject to the rules of relativity. The earth is regarded as being at rest, and the velocity of light coming from a light source on earth, is c/km per second in all directions, regardless of the velocity of the earth through space.

To make the above statement clear.  Our co-ordinate system is rigidly attached to the earth. From a practical point of view this is the system that we are familiar with in our day to day living. Any motion on earth will be subject to the rules of this system. It is important to see that the earth is regarded as being at rest, and that all motion is relative to the earth. If a vehicle moves on earth it will be irrational to say the the earth is moving relative to the vehicle. The principle of relativity will also apply within a moving body on earth(carriage), in which case the carriage is regarded as being at rest. The example of a stone being dropped within a moving carriage, mentioned before.

Should we look at our planetary system, then the co-ordinate system is rigidly attached to a star, we call this star  "the sun." Any motion within our planetary system, is bound by the rules of relativity within the system. Now this case is very interesting because the co-ordinate system is attached to the source of light, the sun. The sun is regarded as stationary, and all the planets move relative to the sun. We can regard this system as being the absolute system. This does not mean that there is such a thing as 'absolute motion ', all motion is relative. Any movement in our planetary system  will be bound by the rules of relativity, within the planetary system.


What about the theorem of the addition of velocities ? We have seen that in Mr.Einstein's example of a man walking in a moving carriage, we cannot add the velocity of the man to the velocity of the carriage,(v+w).  Movement can only be measured with respect to a frame of reference that is stationary. We can say that the man is walking with a velocity of w in the carriage, and we can also say that the carriage is moving with a velocity of v, however, we cannot say that the man is moving relative to the carriage, relative to the embankment(w+v).  So the principle of relativity by implication can only mean movement, relative to non movement. The theorem of addition of velocities is therefore a false theorem.

Going back to the man in the carriage then ; we can say that the man is moving  at a velocity  w(carriage), v(earth), and x(sun). Each velocity is within a particular  system, and the principle of relativity applies within  each system. The man on the sun, observing the man walking in the moving carriage on earth, will say that the man is moving with a velocity of x, the man on earth will say the man is moving with a velocity of v, and a man inside the carriage will say that the man is walking with a velocity of w. All three men will be correct. The principle of relativity applied.

With respect to light, the frame of reference is the source of light. A man in a moving carriage, as well as a man stationary on the embankment, will both say that the light emitted from a light bulb in the moving carriage has a velocity of c, in all directions, and that light emitted from the moving carriage headlight, also has a velocity of c. In all cases mentioned, there is only one frame of reference for each event.    

The principle of relativity outlined here, differs from what Mr.Einstein refers to as the 'restricted theory of relativity ', mentioned in chapter 5 of his book. Mr. Einstein ignores space, and introduces dualism in the sense that he speaks of relative with reference to relative, he uses two frames of reference for the same event. In other words, a person can, according to Mr. Einstein, arbitrarily choose a frame of reference. The example of the carriage indicates that Mr.Einstein regards a carriage moving on earth, as moving relative to the earth, and alternately, he also indicates that the carriage can just as well be used as a frame of reference, with the earth regarded as moving  relative to the carriage, which is not true.  It would  be foolish to say that the earth circles the sun, and therefore we  can just as well say that the sun circles the earth, that there can be two  frames of reference for the same event, the orbit of earth around the sun.


When a scientist starts to tamper with his measuring instrument the results of his studies become meaningless, he cannot be regarded as a 'scientist'. He negates the concept, "science". In order to maintain consistency, which is the hallmark of reason, it is vital to establish a uniform standard of observation. When a
'scientist' like Mr. Einstein, tampers with clocks and rulers, in order to correct errors derived from false premises, then he becomes a pseudo scientist.   It is sad to say that Mr.Einstein is guilty of committing the unpardonable sin for any scientist, the sin of  fabricating theories that manipulate measuring instruments, in order to obtain the desired results.

Note:For those believers who are interested in a more detailed exposure of Mr. Einstein's theory of special relativity, i recommend they read professor Herbert Dingle's book " Science at the crossroads ".

"Science at the Crossroads" can now be read  on the internet.
Click here and scroll down to the contents.

I have also paid tribute to Mr Dingle in a short message entitled:

 "Tribute to Herbert Dingle".